Bredonborough A sleepless night When
A sleepless night. When significant decisions are taken, and likely-repercussions reach back and wave – well, I have had sleepless nights of this kind before.
MinxPacking continues. Into the Cellar for morning reading and practising.
Morning street I…
10.25 About-to-be-off for the day’s adventures.
21.30 First stop: the MinxDentist c. 11.10.
Onto St. George’s and Perform for bodywork. Leaving c. 16.45 and hoping to be in time for the cinema in Worcester, but traffic was moving too slowly.
Home c. 18.45 for unloading, loading and carrying, MinxSouping, organizing, e-flurrying.
Into the Cellar for an important call to T Lev. According to Tony, the call made his day, week and year.
Dribble. Time to gentle.